End Government Corruption
Campaign Finance Reform
It is estimated that the 2024 election across the US will cost $10B. Who is paying for that? And what are they buying with that money? Citizens United and Speechnow.org vs FEC were decided in 2010 and they equated money to speech and uncapped donation limits. It allows unlimited campaign spending through Political Action Committees that can 'speak' louder than our own citizens. Party leadership is decided not by leadership capability, but by fundraising capability. Party leaders bundle money and disburse it to members to control them. "If you don't fall in line, we'll just run someone against you". This is true in BOTH parties. Politicians in DC spend more time fundraising than governing. This has to end and is why we need Independent representatives. Here is an explanation of the problem:
Single Issue Bills
One of the most nefarious ways that politicians pull the wool over voters' eyes is voting on bills that are packed together. "Must pass" legislation is full of pork. They design legislation to allow each yes vote to 'get something' that they can go home and brag about while holding their nose on the issue at hand. Aside from the budget, each issue vote should be a clean up or down. They even skirt the budget by doing continuing resolutions, that are also packed with pork.
Stop the DC Revolving Door
Elected officials should serve the public that elected them. This is eroded by offers of sweetheart deals when leaving public office, whether this is a spot on a corporate board, a lobbying position, or a paid contributor role on mainstream media, they sway policy decisions and votes. This also happens with unelected officials between regulatory bodies and the medical or defense industry. This will require sweeping reform, but we must try to get our democracy back from the corporations that have taken control.
Accountability to VOTERS not DONORS
I will never take PAC money. I am running to represent the people of our district and no one else. If I ever break that pledge, fire me. It really is that simple.